The set-up is not as simple as the old Cool Running site, but it's not the hot mess that is Active.com. Eventually, I'll link to my profile, but you can search for me if you're so inclined. And really, why wouldn't you be?
So far, I have only uploaded my shoe info and logged my last run and my yearly mileage. It looks like I ran 797 miles today. I should probably recover after that, huh? Good thing there's Labatt Blue in the fridge.
I guess it's nice that I can map new runs and have them in my run library. But all I really want are my weekly, monthly and yearly stats and shoe mileage tracker. Thanks to Vanilla, Karin and Laura for your concern and suggestions. Runner's World was too darned slow today and I'm not savvy enough to make my own spreadsheet.
We'll see how long this relationship with MapMyRun lasts. I may be loyal, but I also don't have a whole heck of a lot of patience. Paradoxical, I know. Did I also mention I'm a Gemini? I don't actually believe that hogwash, but that dual mind stuff is a doozey sometimes.
I am not too keen about the use of mapmyrun.com However, I do have a brilliant idea for you. It will make your life easier. You will be able to drink your Labatt Blues at ease while you do this.
(1) Use Garmin GPS running watch. If you don't have one, beg Santa for one.(or bribe to Santa if you have to)
(2) download it to www.bonesinmotion.com and you will be in AWE! It will do all the computation while you are drinking your beloved Labatt Blues.
Trust me! You are going to get the kick out of this.
When I get home, I'll find someplace to upload my running spreadsheet. It will be pretty embarrassing (especially since I don't track treadmill runs, which are the majority of my runs lately), but it's self-explanatory and may be easier for you to use than MapMyRun.
GP-what? You must have me mistaken for one of them high-tech guys, Ted. Besides, I'd have to start lifting weights more to lug those mainframes around.
Thanks, Laura. Maybe life would be easier if I just had my own log on my computer.
A lot of the Cool Running (ne Active) people have found a new home over at RunningAhead
The log is fan-bleeping-tastic and the owner has written a script to auto transfer your log.
Try www.buckeyeoutdoors.com got maps, shoes, and you can superimpose training programs.
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