First, of course, is the medal.

I was actually a bit surprised to see the medal at the finish. Someone told me that they weren't giving away medals this year, but hats instead. This 2009 medal will probably replace the 2008 medal as my rearview mirror fob.
But we did indeed get hats.

The hats I believe actually replaced the long sleeve technical shirts that I've gotten the last two years. It says "Finisher 26.2" on the back. It's an OK hat. I don't know if it'll replace my other running hat. Maybe on really hot days.
And check out this sweet jacket.

I have lamented that Brooks was not giving away shoes this year, but I do like the jacket. In fact, I'm wearing it right now.
Speaking of shoes ...

Behold! the Brooks T6 Racer. I spied these at the expo, and I couldn't pass up the price. I've been thinking about getting minimal shoes for a while now. I took them for a spin at recovery pace on Sunday, and they feel pretty darn nice. They're as light as Champagne bubbles. Now, I just need to find another race ...
In addition to the above, my subscription to Running Times will be renewed for another year. Or until Rodale folds it into Runner's World.
All in all a pretty good haul. Cheers!
Great swag Viper! Well done on the PR.
Akron's awesome swag was one reason I wanted to do it this year. I heard from someone in the know that all I'm going to get from NYC is a tech shirt. I guess when you have 40,000 participants, it's a different world.
Please don't think you failed because you didn't reach your goal of a sub-4:00 race. You crushed your PR! And look how much less time you have to overcome to go sub-4:00 in your next race. Four minutes? That's nothing. Find a race that's flat all the way and you are going to own those 4 minutes. I hear Cleveland's got a nice flat course... :)
congrats again! (I just read the report. Sorry I am late to the awesomeness of your 18 minute PR!)
sweet shoes. hope they are like forrest gump's magic shoes.
Sweet swag! I like the idea of hanging the medal from your review mirror!
That's a lot of loot! I like the shiny new shoes.
Nice, but my swag included a jigsaw puzzle and a certificate signed by Forrest Gump.
Nice shoelaces! :-D
Sa-weet....I love getting stuff. It's the best ever.
niiiiice. Loving the medal and I like the hat. I got myself some racing flats too. Almost as flashy but cuter than yours (considering you are a dude and don't neccesarily do "cute"). Running times rocks, you see last months feature on Scott Bauhs? He's from Chico State. I got his autograph. Now I'm the bomb too... just a slow ticking one instead of his speedy one. Good job on the PR!
awesome swag, love the jacket. and congrats again on the 18min PR!
That's fantastic swag! I want that jacket.
Very awesome jacket! It's apparel that can be worn while not running just to rub in that you ROCK.
Congrats on a HUGE PR!
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