Friday, December 9, 2011

Flashback Friday: Snow Upon the Ground

And so we awoke this morning to the sound of a fist banging on our front door, and outside was awash in white. Our new dining room table was to be delivered between 7:35 and 9:35 a.m. Of course the truck arrived at 7.

Mrs. Viper hopped out of bed and threw on a robe to greet the delivery men. She's much nicer in the morning than I am. Dobson was barking up a storm, which I'm sure our new neighbors appreciated. They had to wake up for work at some point.

After slowly getting ready for the day, I headed downstairs. My wife on the couch, the dog outside, and two men putting together the table. They were done and out the door by 7:20, a good 15 minutes before they were even supposed to be there.

By now, our washer and dryer should have also arrived, which accounts for the last of our deliveries to the house. Tonight we finish up decorating in time for our house warming and Christmas tree trimming party tomorrow.

And, oh yeah, the snow.

For the first time this year, I had to scrape off my car windows. The drive in to work was a picturesque scene, a winding road through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, the trees draped in snow, and even the compost plant presented a bucolic image, with its foul-smelling mounds of shit appearing as miniature snow-capped mountains.

I was hoping to break my streak before the first real snow, but alas we still display goose eggs in our mileage counter.

Back Talk
Wherein a party might help further the lack of running

Misszippy says I shouldn't get too settled: "Better watch out or you'll find yourself like me, clawing your way back to fitness! Nothing like a deadline (party) to get you in motion to finish things off. Have fun!"

Answer: I fear my first run from the new house will have lots of walk breaks. As for finishing up the house details, I always work better under deadline, says the procrastinator with the journalism degree.

Happy Hour is nearly upon us, teammates! Have a finely brewed weekend. Run well and drink well. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Have a most excellent house warming, which I am sure will contain the requisite Winter Warmers.

B. Jarosz said...

Happy Housewarming!

Just remember... if you don't get running soon, you're going to have to change the blog title to Booze Hounds Inc. MOVING Team. ;)

Have a great weekend!

Ironman By Thirty said...

A journalism degree? What's that? I can kid about it because my wife has one too :-P