Tuesday, June 1, 2010

End of May, Onto Training

Monday's 5-K capped off a much improved month of running, putting me well past the challenge of 60 miles for May. Here is last month's statistical rundown:
  • Total Miles: 68 miles (11 runs)
  • Highest Weekly: 20 miles
  • Average Weekly: 17 miles
  • Average Pace: 9:41.15 per mile
  • Longest/Fastest Run: 12.3 miles @ 9:57 pace
  • The Monthly Dif: +28 miles (40 miles in April)
It was nice get in some more consistency. Now, we head into official marathon training season. Time to knock off that four-hour milestone.


Jess said...

Congrats on a solid month and welcome to training season! This will be the year to beat 4.

misszippy said...

Great job! You have a nice base to work with going into marathon training.