Granted, my plans this week have already been derailed. Monday evening greeted me with freezing rain while driving home from work. In the parlance of our times you might say I wussed out.
But don't worry, I have a plan to make up the miles and hit 32 by Saturday. I'm just not going to tell you what those plans are because that plan doesn't seem to be working.
The rain was still coming down when I got home last night (and it's still raining right now), but the warm weather was calling. For the first time in months I was dressed too warm during my run. And I was wearing shorts.
It was so warm that this morning I

Karmically, the weather was on the radio as soon as I started my car: "Rain turning to snow this afternoon with temperatures dropping in the low 20s: currently, 34 degrees in Akron." This hoodie has its work cut out for it.
Mile Tracker 1,000: 91 miles to go
You just have to love Northeast Ohio (and Michigan) and its crazy weather. We got another inch-ish of the white stuff overnight after rain all day Tuesday. It made for an interesting run this morning.
91 miles, no problem. Just do it, as they say.
Who are you, Mikey from The Goonies?
Because I've given you a lot of crap recently, I will officially support you in the make-Vanilla-eat-his-skanky-hat endeavor. Good luck.
And love the poster.
Here in FL, it's 78 and sunny. Sorry, was that mean?
Finally, a poster I would buy.
I'm still pulling for you to get those miles in...make Vanilla eat that hat!
This is the toughest decision I've had to make since the foax at General Mills let us, the eaters, decide whether or not the rabbit should be allowed to get a box of Trix ...
... but ...
I am now officially pulling for you (and that is NOT a euphemism for snake-handling) to make it to 1000 miles so Vanilla has to "eat his hat", which I'm using here as a euphemism for something far, far worse than masturbation. Plus I'm also using it to mean "eat his hat" literally.
I heart the Demotivation poster.
Chicago feels your pain, although we don't get nearly as much Lake snow as Northeast Ohio does. Another reason to live in Chicago.
(chanting) eat the hat! eat the hat! eat the hat!
Oh, yeah, I'm wanting Vanilla to eat the hat. Keep on knocking out those miles!
My hat tells me that it has never felt safer.
I hear hat with ketchup ain't half bad.
Yes Jess that was mean.
I hope it stays warm for me tonight :P
I hate those days. At least you don't take the bus. I don't know what's worse, the cold or the "don't you check the weather before getting dressed" embarrassment. (Although that's nothing compared to the "don't you turn on the lights before getting dressed" humiliation.) Anyway, we don't care about the weather, just get your runs in ANYWAY and we'll come up with the hat recipes.
I thought you said California like?'re right, the weather here does sound like Ohio!
Here it's the same story - snow yesterday morning, turned to rain with the temperature above freezing, rain all night, and sheer ice on the roads and sidewalks this morning with the temperature well below freezing. I still biked to work today, but if my foot was better I'd still head for the treadmill instead of risking injury running on an uneven rink. Continued good luck on completing those final 91 miles!
Ohhhhh just suck it up and run:) It's just a little freezing rain. Get some yak-traks, and where a jacket (or garbage bag!)
You'll have to get used to it sometime...
Maybe I should send you my Yak Trax. They are a life saver in snow and ice. I believe Vanilla should start marinading.
You can do it.. GO FOR IT ... GO FOR IT... Just do it !!!
I can picture the hat on the plate with fork and knife next to it. Ahhh, grate those Parmesan cheese over it!
You can do it! Keep pluggin' away.
Best of Luck!
You can do it !!!
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