Not that I was ever actually fast, but I was faster.
After months of speed work to get myself in shape to hit my half marathon goal, while setting new PRs at the 10-K and marathon, I have since gone the way of the tortoise.
My running log shows a nice descending curve in my pacing from June to August, but then, starting in September, it reports a steady increase. I know the marathons and my subsequent recovery are to blame, but it feels like all those Yasso 800s have been erased.
The last run with an overall pace under 9:00 per mile was more than a month ago, a two-mile fartlek session right before the Akron Marathon.
My legs have felt like iron, heavy and pocked with rust (I live in the Rust Belt, after all). Perhaps it is time for a new recruiting mission. Tonight, if all goes as planned, I will make my triumphant return to the track, where I'll be seeking some long lost fast-twitch muscle fibers as I prepare for one last crack at a 5-K -- and perhaps a six-minute mile.
You'll get no argument from me that you're slow, but I'm not talking about foot speed.
I'm sure that you're just going through some post race recovery, I doubt that you've actually lost speed.
Ha. Welcome back to my world, smartass.
Pity from a dancing gorilla. You must feel better already.
My work here is done.
I read somewhere, once, or perhaps dreamed, that running long marathonish distances does recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers to some degree. Perhaps once the slow ones get tired? Anyway, once you fully recover, I bet you'll have no problem PRing in the 5k.
you'll be FINE.
Shall I send the whining trophy?
slow ass - maybe that vest is weighing you down?
I've been feeling exactly the same way. Weird, eh? I've been contemplating slipping in track work one day a week to keep my speed up. I have to shave my 5K stubble time before the end of the year! No way I'm going to let you get away with beating me there. ;)
Funny, I just posted my idea of how to get faster. Might need some support in the matter. You should rustle up some of your fav Ohioains and come on up to Michigan. Our beer is colder.
Welcome to my life. It sucks to be slow doesn't it? :-)
Maybe you're getting your period.
ROFLMAO at Jess! If that's so you can join me! HAHAHHAAA
Man, I'm totally sinking to new lows in my comments on your blog. *slap on the wrist*
maybe you are about to go into hibernation, better stock up!
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