No. Never mind. Just dead.
My intervals last night were not much of a success. I had a high anger factor with a desire to melt away some stress, but when I pushed my pace I felt like I was running through quicksand. I went through all the proper procedures to make sure I was not in quicksand, but to no avail. It turned out that it was just my legs.
I guess the timing is right. This week is a back off week.
Injury Update
Still listed as day-to-day, but my knee is feeling stronger every week. I've been icing, stretching, popping pills like Tic-Tacs and consuming the proper fluids.
New Flavor
Speaking of proper fluids. Last night I stumbled on a particularly wallet-friendly deal at my local grocer. I gladly handed over $3.99 for a four-pack of pint cans of Bitburger, a German beer that's been around since 1817. As my clever drinking compatriot said, that's $1 a beer, folks!
Typically, I am not a cans kind of guy, but surprisingly there was no displeasing metallic taste. The Premium had a nice crisp flavor, which tasted great after my run.
This is the first time I've had Bitburger. I first heard of it during the last World Cup, when Budweiser made a big stink of sponsoring the tournament. Germans hate Budweiser, a fact that fills me with a sense ancestral pride. They call it, "Spulwasser" or dish water.
Anheuser-Busch had a hell of time tapping the German market because of purity laws set in 1516, which pretty much banned the swill from being sold in Germany until 1996. However, even when it was allowed, the company had to sell it as "Anheuser-Busch Bud" to avoid confusion. Bitburger is called "Bit," which sounds similar to "Bud" in German. Budweiser was out because of the popular Czech beer Budweiser Budvar.
That story alone makes Bitburger a worthy companion in the quest to run well and drink well.
When even the high anger factor can't make you run fast, you know your legs are shot!
I know the feeling when your legs are shot. It feels like wearing a concrete blocks around your ankle. It is evidently that you will need more Bitburger.
Interesting beer history. I wonder why 1996 was the year to drop thos standards when they should have been pushing the world to ADOPT those standards?
Also, I'm a cans guy if you know what I mean. But thats not your business.
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