Friday, August 10, 2007

Lazy, Humid and Rained Out

This dedication thing has taken a severe hit this week. The weather in these parts has either been 90 degrees with 90 percent humidity or a monsoon. I don't know what a "wall cloud" is, but they had it on the news last night from a city about 20 minutes from me.

I've only managed three miles this week. That run was postponed a day and became my second night run, which I might need to do more of if this heat and humidity persist. Last night I had a six-miler planned, but, as I said, monsoon.

I had the brilliant plan to run this morning, which would have been perfect. It was cool and calm and didn't start raining until I was on my way to work. However, when my alarm sounded at 6 a.m., I turned it off. Not hit snooze. Turned the bastard off. No way was I getting up. So, maybe after work, before happy hour drinks.

I checked the weather and it appears it will be decent after the storms.

The Akron Marathon is just seven weeks away. If I can manage to beat this heat/deluge, I might be OK. New shoes next week and a 20-miler. It's going to take lots of beer to recharge after that one. Luckily, I just got a moderate raise.

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