Monday, September 20, 2010

Akron Marathon Countdown: Race Week

Five days, people, we have five days until the Akron Marathon and my bid to break four hours. My weekend plans were a success, and I'm now on the dreaded wagon until after the race.

Last week produced another sad tale of lackluster running. Let's hope I haven't done too little in the last couple weeks. I'm hoping to get in one last hard workout today and regain my mojo before the big day. This self-inflicted drama will make for some much needed suspense around these parts.

Until I succumbed to my own variety of taper madness -- which has exhibited itself as plain old procrastination -- my training has been rather uneventful. The runs were scratched off one by one, resulting in my highest training mileage to date and a new personal best in the half marathon, as planned.

Can I regather my motivation and capture a little lightning in a bottle this Saturday? Stay tuned!


misszippy said...

Just toeing the line with the crowds, etc. will fire you up. Then the stars will align and all will work out for you!

Andrew Opala said...

word to the wise - booze it up AFTER the race!

You will ROCK IT!

Steve Stenzel said...

Good luck!! Don't take it too hard today... don't want to be too tired going into the race!...

Anonymous said...

On the flip side, just think of all the energy you are conserving for race day!

Anonymous said...

Great race report. This is a very clear and informative post. I like it.


Carolina John said...

Good luck this weekend!

Robin said...

Good luck this weekend and totally grab that PR! More importantly, what are you drinking post race?!