Monday, April 9, 2012

And So No Go

Puking only occurred twice last week, but the nauseous feeling kept happening. For a while, dairy got the blame, but then it would happen with other food too. A three-mile run Wednesday required an inordinate amount of energy exertion. Those other planned runs? Rain check.

Instead running anymore last week, a wiser approached seemed to be to rest and fully recover from the norovirus, which apparently also struck everyone else on my side of the family after a gathering two Saturdays ago.

You may not believe it, but ever since drinking an Epic Brewing Imperial Stout over the weekend. the nausea hasn't returned. Fingers are crossed that the alcohol killed off what remained of that little plague.

And so last week's running goals were a no go. This week's goals are a carbon copy, with four runs for a total of 18 miles, with a long run of nine miles and at least one trail run. Let's hope it won't prove too much to handle.


Carolina John said...

Beer. It does a body good.

B. Jarosz said...

More proof that alcohol kills germs.