Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Now We Get Serious

Now that the Buckeye Half Marathon is done, the running schedule gets crazy. We're 10 days from the wedding, and the only thing I'm nervous about is fitting in my miles. Of course, my one and only 20-miler is due next week. Therefore, I've had to get a little creative.

The only way I can fit in a 20-mile run next week is if it's not over the weekend. I'm a tad busy then. Instead, I've reworked my schedule to fit in the run on Friday, which I've taken as a vacation day from work. My plan is to run early, crash for a few hours, and then rally for the wedding rehearsal.

However, I didn't want to just run my usual long run Sunday this week and only have four days to recover. Therefore, I'm scooting up this week's long run one day. That gives me an extra day, plus it gets me in the rhythm of running long on Saturdays.

The Akron Marathon is on a Saturday, so my plan is to resume my long run schedule the Saturday after the wedding. It probably won't make a lick of difference, considering I'll be severely undertrained regardless of which do I run what mileage. But it makes me feel better for some reason.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Oh man a 20 miler the day before your wedding! That's brave/crazy/awesome!