Thursday, April 14, 2011

With Reckless Abandon

Perhaps like Nitmos's Mandelbaum Plan, I've shucked any sort of conservative plan for my return to running. My extended downtime has freed me from endurance and left me with a notion that I should work on speed now, rather than after I've built up to long slow distances. Why not build up to long fast distances?

Every time I step out the door will be an exercise in quick foot speed and relaxed sprinting. My goal? Just go. Just don't strain.

I'm still not wearing a watch when I run. I'm too scared to find out how painfully slow I am. And it's not like I was ever fast. I look at the clock when I leave and when I return and just assume I'm running 10-minute miles. I hope to be pleasantly surprised when I do finally start paying attention to time.

Last night's run through the neighborhoods brought back the soreness in my calves and quads after the first mile. My legs were fatigued, but I was determined to push through.

At the top of the brick-paved hill on Delaware, I gave myself a walk break, removing my shoes and preparing my feet to run the final half-mile. My big toe told me I was pushing off trying to run fast, a warning that I was straining myself.

While I seek to run with reckless abandon, I don't want to abandon running because I'm wrecked. Straining is the root of all injuries. Throughout my run, I repeated to myself the proverb: "He who runs fastest leaves no tracks." Quick light relaxed steps will save us all.

1 comment:

Nitmos said...

First of all, following me is a good start. Finally, some sense around here.

Secondly, I'm totally with you on the "just go, just don't strain". That's always my philosphoy as I usually don't waste time with pleasant sauntering runs. Too little tme available for me to devote to running as it is so every run has to have some purpose.

It's go time.