Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Day Off

Well, I decided to take that extra day after all. I waffled on the decision all day, finally teetering toward the no-run-please side when I received and invitation to booze. I bolstered my recovery when I got home by icing and rewrapping my ankle. I boosted my immune system with the purchase of two containers of OJ (Simply Orange, I recommend it) before I went to the Captain's for some beers and baseball. (The Cleveland Indians are now five wins or Detroit Tigers' losses away from clinching the American League Central Division, wahoo!)

I still woke up with a sore throat and sniffles (should have taken the whiskey cure), but my ankle is feeling much better. I'll see if Martini wants to go for 6 miles or so this evening and get back at it.

Booze News
And so you can't afford gas, your stocks have bottomed out and your paycheck just ain't cutting it in today's sketchy market. That doesn't mean you can't afford to drink well. CNN reports that upscale booze sales are still strong during these hard times. Not really a shocker.

"You can go to a bar and have a pleasurable drink and it's going to cost you $2 or $3 more." [...] "It's not going to break you."


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