Saturday, one of these dangers made me thankful to be wearing shoes. But it left me wondering if I would have seen and avoided the object of peril had I been barefoot.
While running the Perkins Trail near the Everett Road covered bridge, halfway up the initial incline, a sharp something poked me in the arch of my right foot. Thinking that a piece of debris had jumped into my shoe, my finger swept beneath my foot but felt nothing.
Whatever it was seemed to have disappeared like these things often do, but another step proved this thinking to be false. Looking closer at my shoe, something appeared stuck to my treads.

The object had pierced one of the tread knobs on my New Balance (MT00) Minimus Trail shoes and was trying make a foot kabob.

As a good trail citizen, I carried my little present with me throughout the rest of my five-mile run to throw it away so no one else would step on the giant tack.
The run put me at 11 miles for the week, a bit shy of my 16-mile goal, but nothing I can't make up down the road.
Yikes. Glad you dodged the bullet on that one. But it is interesting to wonder if you would have missed hitting it had you been barefoot. I have yet (yes,I know I am cursing myself) to step on something in bare feet.
Glad you avoided the Tetris shot, which comes with annoying steretypically "Russian" music.
Each time I think about trying barefoot running, I see a used condom or dirty needle or broken liquor bottle or other horror on the sidewalk and say no to the freedom of bare feet and accompanying case of hepatitis.
But then again, I live in Baltimore City.
You know what would have prevented the pain of that giant thumb tack? Oh, wait...
Gah! I'm glad you didn't get pierced! That would've put a damper on running for awhile...
And good for you for disposing of the offending object so it could do no harm to others!
Sometimes the forest is filled with fearsome predators!
Holy cow, yea that's scary stuff! Glad you made it past that one brother.
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