Monday, April 23, 2012

Still Floundering

Everything was looking good coming into the weekend. Two trail runs had put the running schedule back on track, but then this train went off the rails with no runs Saturday or Sunday.

In fact, Friday night's yard work was the only real exercise of the weekend. Bad weather -- or perhaps just more seasonal forecasts -- made it easy to say, "maybe tomorrow." And here we are today, and tomorrow is still a more likely time to run.

The atypical warmth and sunshine spoiled this runner's motivation now that April showers have arrived. And tonight snow is in the forecast.

Perhaps all I needed was a mental break after three months of building mileage. Or perhaps I'm turning into a fair-weather runner. Cheers!


Sun Runner said...

SNOW! Seriously? It's just going to be cold and insanely windy here.

How is the reel mower working for you?

Spike said...

Yeah, I saw snow for you down there...crazy eh? I know you'll find your way back out there.

Maybe have someone place a beer on your favorite 3M route...