Friday, March 18, 2011

Flashback Friday: The Unbearable Blacklight of Being

The Enthusiast was on the phone with me when I discovered the black light installed above my hotel bed in Houston.

All I could think of was the episode of Family Guy where the Quohog TV news station uses a black light to show the unseen filth in hotel rooms, and livestock appears when the light is turned on.

In my case, it was a disturbing mural of hearts and rainbows on the walls and a starscape on the ceiling. By the door was a depiction of palm trees and sail boats. I couldn't bear to pull down the bed covers to see what kind of mural might be there.

All was forgiven, though, after an enjoyable morning run and a bottle of tasty stout on my last day of travel. Still, I'm awe of the strangeness of the Scott Inn & Suites.

Back Talk
Wherein we consider safety first. 

Barefoot Josh is envious of my hotel location: "Are you off of Scott St? That has a pleasantly treacherous looking sidewalk for a few miles."

Answer: You have no idea how treacherous. My taxi driver told me I'd be fine as long as I didn't buy any of the services I'd be offered.

Xenia considers the consequences of my hydration plan: "Morning drinking before a flight? The flight crew is just going to love dealing with you."

Answer: I didn't even mention the Bloody Mary I had at the airport.

Happy Hour is nearly upon us, teammates. Have a finely brewed weekend. Run well and drink well. Cheer!


Anonymous said...

Drink well indeed. I will introduce you to the place I am heading to Sunday after the marathon the next time you are in town.

Jen Feeny said...

Seriously?! That is epically awesome!

Georgia Snail said...

Well, that would be one way to put a positive? spin on the blacklight test.....

Ian said...

Installing a blacklight is a ballsy move by a hotel.

Have a good weekend.

Al's CL Reviews said...


Nitmos said...

There was a Tosh.O viewer video with the blacklight that was too funny to describe here. Cheer!

Robin said...

The title of your post alone will keeo me laughing for awhile! I don't know if I'm disgusted or totally impressed by the backlight concept!

misszippy said...

Hmmmm....the places we can go with that picture. Quite interesting!

Barefoot Johnny O said...

Why is Jamoosh always the first?

Spike said...

Amazing and scarry.