Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Akron Marathon Countdown: The 3

The many faces of the Viper are in full view as three days remain until the Akron Marathon. Evenkeel Viper is prevailing over the Freakout and Ubermensch Vipers. However, I'll need all three of them to pull it together on race day.

Freakout Viper got me out the door Monday for my last hard run Monday. Ubermensch Viper told me how awesome I was during that run. Freakout Viper returned the next morning when I felt a bit sore from the effort. Ubermensch Viper took satisfaction in the pain. Today Evenkeel Viper is the calm before the storm. Here is where the strategy emerges.

Evenkeel Viper must be pragmatic, a cold and calculating runner who knows how to bring out his best performance on race day. Saturday's weather forecast appears to be favorable with a high of 63 degrees and mostly sunny skies. It's time to put together a plan for the race.

Freakout Viper knows how tough it has been to break four hours. My race tends to break down in the park sections of the race from the Towpath through Sand Run. Evenkeel Viper knows that strength comes in numbers. I will run with the four-hour pace group until I've cleared this hurdle and only then will I attempt to pull ahead with a negative split strategy, which is Ubermensch Viper's favorite path to awesomeness.

So there you have it. Nothing fancy. Just a straightahead plan to beat four hours. But Evenkeel Viper reminds me that the time isn't the ultimate goal. The No. 1 goal is to have fun. Having fun relaxes you. Being relaxed is integral to good running form. With good form comes speed. I'm ready to run my best no matter what the final score reads.


BrianFlash said...

Seems like Freakout Viper would be the best Viper at any party.

I tend to agree with your take on Rock and Roll taking over a small marathon. Smaller marathons with easy logistics are a great way to go for most runs, saving the 'event' runs for special occasions.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope Dork Viper doesn't show up on race day.

Darth Viper - I meant Darth Viper!

S said...

I just really like the Ubermensch Viper's name.

The Sean said...

With such a trinity there will be no stopping you!

misszippy said...

I think your dream team is in place. May they all work in harmony.

Spike said...

What about PostMarathonSuperDrunkViper? What about his strategy?

Paul said...

If you can do negative splits in the last 10k vs the previous 20m, I will be very impressed and set up my very own Viper altar of worship.

TNTcoach Ken said...

Just three words, 'Sounds like a plan, Stan'! Okay, I lied..........

B.o.B. said...

LOL! OMG, we all have those three personalities before a race don't we? Good luck buddy.

Junk Miler said...

And tomorrow is two... which means one of the personalities has got to go. Which one will it be? Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

Good luck to your runs hope you get a good result in every race...
