The Enemies of Mankind have usurped the language of brewing to employ it as an evil marketing campaign for awful beer. The aisles are heavily patrolled by "triple hops" and "craft style" options. But there is resistance.
The Viper's eldest sibling ventured off with a small battalion in rebellion against those who think beer is something to be taken lightly, something that can be purchased in a low-calorie option.
A growing population is rising up against tasteless brews, fortifying their encampments in their homes and at independent breweries. You can join them. However, you may find that making such a choice will lead to the dark side.
Behold, a new hope: Dobson's Olde English Imperial Stout, a bold and rich brew, with 9 percent ABV, recalling an era of peace, when beer was good.
OK, so perhaps it's obvious that I watched the Star Wars marathon on Spike (sorry, different Spike) this past weekend. Moving on.
The Brew Kettle is a brewpub in Strongsville, Ohio, that allows patrons to concoct their own beer. They provide a tutorial, the ingredients, and their facilities for you to mix up a batch of beer, and they to brew it for you. When the beer is done, you get about three cases of beer.
Sunday, I finally got to taste the stout my brother "brewed." He asked awhile ago to use a photo of Dobson for the label. Unfortunately, Dobson's photo shoot made him look "too cute" for the image he had in his mind, so he had to settle for what you see above.
The beer was surprisingly drinkable, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The beer pours a deep black with a thick brown, frothy head. The high alcohol content gets devoured by the roasted flavors.
My father and I are still convinced that the Brew Kettle just dumps out whatever the customers put together and brew the beer themselves.
Booze Hounds Beer Rating: 4.1 Hiccups
[Drunkard's note: The Booze Hounds Beer Rating scale (0-5 Hiccups) is based on a complex mathematical formula that would be impossible to explain to such a dunderheaded audience. Let's just say the higher the score, the more likely I am to drink it again.]
You realize Dobson will now sue for trademark infringement.
I know I said I never read your booze posts, but you got me with the photo of Dobson. He is adorable, even on a bottle.
As for your sexist comment on my blog--I'd berate you for it and ask The Enthusiast to seek vengeance on my behalf, but I can't be arsed. Mostly because I actually can sew. Eh, next time.
Soooo...is it better than Natty Light?
LOL at Nitmos! Glad the Dobson brew was good!
I don't know. I really like the dog and the words are compelling. But I think, like split sided shorts, ultra lite beers have their place in the universe. I'm no apologist for Budweiser's "Select 55", but I urge you all to try to be open minded.
Officially solidifies both Dobson and the booze as two of the coolest things ever.
The question left unanswered: Did Dobson like it?
Oh my, an Imperial Stout - sounds yummy. I have one from 2005 I still need to crack one of these days.
I have access to a local winery that also dabbles in the art of brewing good beer. Last year a buddy and I split a batch of Russian Stout. Think you would have given it at least 4 hiccups.
Let's just say that my case and a half didn't last very long.
I would try it just b/c of the cute label on the front!
Viper, what you need is a Twitter handle :)
Thanks for all your great comments. Can't hardly believe it's this Sunday. *GULP*
My frosh year of college, we tried to brew our own been in our closet. Terrible terrible idea.
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