Thursday, October 22, 2009

Politically Incorrect Summer

Today marks the third day in a row of unseasonably warm weather, and according to Dick Goddard that means we're having an Indian Summer here in Northeast Ohio. Yesterday it was 70. A blissful, sunny 70.

But we all know this weather won't last. Mother Nature giveth, and she taketh away. And you know what that makes her, don't you?

You racists.

I took my soles to Sand Run for the first time and ran on pebble-ridden and twig-littered compacted limestone. I was hoping that the high temperature would mean that the ground would feel warm for a barefoot run, but it wasn't really. At all.

I can tell that my barefoot experiment is not long for this year, as the colder weather is making the acclimation process (i.e., foot detenderizing) more miserable by the day.

My form is improving. I'm getting better at landing painlessly and increasing my cadence. However, those chilled surfaces make me tense up, which is a no-no and a sure-fire way to hurt myself. It seems like the cold would numb my feet if the friction of running didn't keep them just warm enough to stay in that extra sensitive range where a stubbed toe would probably kill me.

I will run barefoot weekly as the temperature permits, but I don't see myself going unshod much below 45 degrees. So far, I've already achieved my goal. I found that mixing in barefoot running benefits my legs and adds variety to my running. I may have to shut it down soon, but I will restart the process in the Spring.


Junk Miler said...

There was a summer I spent watching Bollywood movies and eating samosas. That was an awesome Indian Summer.

I probably won't be too far behind you in the shoe department once it starts getting cold; I'm hoping my aqua shoes with socks will be enough.

Ms. V. said...

YAY for shoes! LOL

I live in CA, and I wouldn't do it.

PS-That GPS thingy came from the Nike machine. I own a Timex, old school. Heh.

Jess said...

BRRR no shoes in 50 degree temps....I dont' know if I could handle the cold ground.

Sun Runner said...

You could carpet your place in sandpaper and walk around on it barefoot all winter. I bet by next spring you'd have callouses a quarter-inch thick on your feet.


Jess said...

In FL, we call 70 degrees "winter."

Spike said...

does this mean we can look forward to a long winter of barefoot treadmill posts?

BrianFlash said...

I ran barefoot on my treadmill not long after getting it. Developed one whopper of a blister.

I almost never blister while wearing shoes...

X-Country2 said...

Who do I have to kill to get 70 around here?

S said...

Now you can extend your "barefoot" running even longer!

Junk Miler said...

Here's a pair of aqua socks that, although $25, come highly recommended (I haven't tried them):